Berührung neu erfinden. Sinnespraktiken in digitalen Kindheiten
Ein Blicklabor an 10 kamera-ethnographischen Szenen: Reinventing Touch. Sensory Practices in Digital Childhoods. Diverse perspectives encounter 10 camera ethnographic scenes. Edited by Bina E. Mohn, Jutta Wiesemann, Pip Hare, and Astrid Vogelpohl (LIT Verlag 2022). What happens to touch when we come together digitally? This publication brings together diverse perspectives and approaches to interrogate the widespread contention that increasing digitalisation in childhood leads to tactile deprivation. Describing sensory practices in early childhood as media practices in which skin and screens, eyes and ears interact synergistically to bring forth sensorial events, the authors consider how digitally-mediated touch shapes “ways of worldmaking” (Goodman) in early childhood. The publication is built around 10 short films featuring touch. These were produced as part of camera-ethnographic research in the project Early Childhood and Smartphone within the Collaborative Research Centre Media of Cooperation (University of Siegen, Germany). The films are accessible via QR codes. The combination of text and film stimulates an exploration of interrelationships between embodiment, materiality, and virtuality in digital childhoods.